Redeemed Outreach Ministries
October 2014, I had a dream. The rapture was happening, souls was gathered in the sky. As we were flying through the sky, I reached out and touch a cloud. A voice said to me," I need you to go back". I replied, for touching a cloud. I woke from my dream, went to the kitchen got a drink of water. I said to myself it just a dream. When I went back to bed, I fell asleep. As I slept, I went back into the same dream. I was aware that I was dreaming; The voice that heard before said to me, I want to show you something.
The voice took me to a farm that I was familiar with in Mississippi. The voice said look at the fields: The crops were beginning to grow. I said, this is going to be a good crop. The voice said look again, and the crops were knee high. I asked where is the farmer? The voice said look again, the crops were ready to harvest. In a panic voice I said, where is the farmer the crops are ready to be harvested.
The voice said look again, the crops begin to riot in the fields. I asked: Why didn’t the farmer gather the harvest? The voice said, “There’s no one to gather the harvest. I need you to go back and gather the harvest. I woke from the dream and said I’ll go to Fall River and gather the harvest. This the vision of Redeemed OutReach Ministries.